Are any of these statements familiar to you? “I used to love ...... but I just don’t have time anymore” “I really enjoyed…... but then we had children” “I used to spend hours doing ……. I can’t remember why I stopped” These statements are very familiar to me but interestingly not very familiar for my children. Our children are innately good at finding what psychologists call ‘FLOW’. This elusive state of engagement where our sense of time fades away and we are totally absorbed in whatever we are doing. Susan Perry, a sociologist defines flow as “the word most often used to describe the state of mind that occurs when we are so deeply engaged in some activity that time seems to stop”, to embody this state we need to feel challenged enough but not so challenged that we experience frustration and ultimately want to stop. It is essentially the sweet spot between too easy and too difficult. With children you can observe this phenome...