Dr Becky Kennedy, a clinical psychologist based in the US, has coined the term Most Generous Interpretation. This concept stems from the basic idea that we are all good inside. Adapting this concept creates space for us to be curious about other people’s behaviour and supports us to shift from “what is wrong with you” to “why is this behaviour happening”. So how do we take this idea and make it applicable in our everyday relationship moments? Essentially, we do this by asking one simple question “What is my most generous interpretation of what just happened.” Imagine the scenario – you have just arrived home after a long day at work, you come in the front door and your daughter asks if you have remembered to pick up her book from the library. You have completely forgotten and apologise to your daughter. Your daughter starts shouting at you “you are rubbish, you never think about me, I hate you” So how do we respond. For most of us this will activate ...