EVERY ACTION YOU TAKE IS A VOTE FOR THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU WISH TO BECOME James Clear James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, defines habits as small decisions we make and actions we perform every day. He suggests that we are in fact the sum of our habits. What we do over and over again influences everything about us – what we believe, how we behave, what we achieve or don’t achieve. So, how do we get better at creating good habits? Most people’s initial instinct is to turn to willpower - I am sure we have all had the experience of looking at other people’s habits and wishing we had half of their willpower, I know I certainly have. But actually, what the research tells us is that willpower is not the answer. What we now know is that willpower is like a muscle, the more we use it throughout the day (avoiding the cake tin, not binge watching Breaking Bad) the less willpower we have at the end of the day. This means that relying on wi...