Have you ever had the experience of feeling like you do not matter? The feeling of not being valued in your team at work, the feeling that your friends don’t really notice you, the feeling that you have nothing of value to add to the project meeting. I have and it doesn’t feel great. Mattering is a core human need, a fundamental component of human flourishing. Gordon Flett, a professor at York University and the author of “The Psychology of Mattering” defines mattering as “more than just a feeling that you belong in a group, but also feeling like the group will miss you if you are not there.” This might be your family group, your friendship group, your work group. The research from Isaac Prilleltensky suggests that to matter means experiencing two similar, but separate, things. Firstly, we need to feel valued , we feel valued when we feel seen and appreciated by other people. Secondly, we need to feel like we are adding value , adding value allows us to fee...