So how much do you know about your brain? I am guessing probably not a lot and actually none of us knew very much about the teenage brain until about 20 years ago. We used to think that all of our brain development happened in our early years but now we know this is not the case. In actual fact your brain goes through some pretty phenomenal changes that start when you begin puberty and actually don’t finish until you get to your mid-twenties. That’s right your brain is not fully developed until 25 at the earliest, maybe even a little bit later. The first thing to know is that different parts of our brain develop at different speeds. One of the first parts of your brain to develop is called the limbic system where the amygdala lives. This is the part of your brain that is responsible for all of your emotional reactions – anger, sadness, excitement and is also the part that is responsible for keeping you safe by activating your flight, flight, free...