You know those morning when you can’t be bothered getting out of bed and everything, even getting dressed, feels like a massive effort. This is normal and it’s probably something we have all experienced more over the past year. It’s something that most of us move in and out of and while it feels pretty miserable at the time, we know it will pass. For some of us, however, this low mood can hang around for longer and start influencing lots of things like our energy levels, our interest and motivation, how irritable we are and our ability to sleep… to name just a few. And if that’s not enough, low mood can also start giving us some really bad advice- telling us to stay away from other people and not to bother doing the things that we used to enjoy because there is no point. When this happens it probably means that we need to start doing some of the things we know will help us to boss the low mood back to a more manageable place. So how...