Do you ever get the feeling that
we live in a “fix it” world? I do. If
someone is sad, we try to make them happy, if someone is angry, we try and calm
them down. In a world that values relentless
positivity we want to fix everything, especially when it comes to emotions that
make us feel uncomfortable. But
sometimes it’s important to recognise that worried and uncomfortable is precisely
where we need to be.
A psychologist called Susan David
talks about a concept called emotional agility.
When we are emotionally agile, we are able to experience our thoughts
and emotions in a way that doesn’t allow them to hijack our plans. What this means is that we can experience big
feelings like sadness, anger or frustration and we are still able to do the
things that are important to us.
There are four key parts to
developing emotional agility
1. Showing
This is about
being curious when emotions show up.
It’s pausing and asking ourselves the question “why do I feel so
frustrated (sad/anger/anxious) right now?”. This is important because our
emotions signpost us to what we value.
For example, when a young child comes home from school feeling really frustrated
because their friends left them out of the game, one reason they may feel so
frustrated is because being connected to their friends is important to them. Our default response is often to move our
children away from the tricky emotions.
This often looks something like “don’t worry you have lots of other friends”. By doing this we are failing to support them
to see their emotions as valuable, normal and natural. It is so much more helpful to allow them to
sit with the emotion and support them to understand why they are feeling so frustrated.
2. Stepping Out
This is about
how we unhook from the thoughts or emotions.
Have you ever had the experience of your young person saying “I just
want this feeling to go away”? I have. Susan David calls this a dead person’s goal. Only
dead people never feel sad or stressed, these emotions are part of life and
unhooking from these emotions is NOT about getting rid of them. It is about taking a step back and recognising
our emotions are just one small part of us, and what’s more we actually have
some choice about what we do with them.
One super simple way to do this is to move away from I am statements and
instead preface the thought or emotion with I am having the thought that
…. or I am having the feeling that …
What this simple exercise does is take some of the power out of the
thought or feeling
Take a moment to think about the most common
unhelpful thought your mind shows up with (I am useless, I am stupid, nobody
likes me….) and just sit with it for a moment
Now change this into I notice I am having the
thought that…. I am stupid and just notice how different this feels
3. Walking
Your Way
This is about
who is in the driving seat - your emotions or your values. For most of us our emotions are pretty good
at hogging the driving seat! This is exhausting because our emotions are
constantly changing, sometimes without any notice at all. One minute we can feel happy and relaxed and
the next minute we just want to get away from everyone. This makes for a very erratic driver! If we can allow the things that are important
to us (our values) to be in the driving seat (even some of the time) our
journey will feel much less bumpy. The reason for this is when we are living
our life in a way that is aligned to our values – being fair, connecting with
our friends, working hard – we all feel so much more comfortable with who we
are and how we are living our lives.
4. Tweaking
Once we know what
our (or our young people’s) core values are, we can start to make small changes
that allow us to do more of the things that grow these values. For example, if we value connection with others,
we can start to spend more time with our friends even when our emotions are
telling us not to bother. Over time
these changes will become more automatic and we will find ourselves less driven
by emotions and more driven by our values.
This doesn’t mean that we are now free of difficult emotions, remember we
need these emotions to bring our attention to the important things, but it does
mean that we can start replacing BUT with AND.
So instead of saying I really want to go to the party BUT I am too
anxious we can say I really want to go to the party AND I am anxious
about going.
Emotional agility is the ability to be with our emotions, to learn from them and to move forward to do the things that are important to us anyway. This is the cornerstone of resilience and it is hard. Sometimes we will manage it and sometimes we wouldn’t and that’s OK. The direction we are traveling in is so much more important than the speed we are going.
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