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Showing posts from August, 2020

Five ways we can support our children back to school in September

                                                    "Just show up, be brave, be kind, rest, try again"                                                                                                                         Glennon Doyle   After almost 6 months out of school it can feel very daunting to contemplate the return to school. Many children and young people will be feeling anxious about the prospect and will worry about many things…. will my friends still want to sit with me, will I remember anything about maths, will the timetable be the same, will my new teacher know that I find spellings hard.   Our brains really struggle with high levels of unpredictability and right now although going back to school is massively important for both our physical and emotional wellbeing for some children (not all) this will be a difficult transition to make.    Feeling Worried is Normal It’s normal for our children to feel worried about returning to school and it’s important