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Showing posts from May, 2022

Why do so many of us feel dissatisfied? Introducing the concept of hedonic adaptation.

  Once I move into a better house and get that promotion at work, I will be happy. Sound familiar? If it does you are not alone. Despite the privilege of life in the UK and in many other countries across the world a huge proportion of us report feeling like our life is missing something.  The positive psychologist David Myers suggests in this book, The American Paradox, that “our becoming much better off over the last four decades has not been accompanied by one iota of increased subjective wellbeing”.  This is a puzzle.  In the developed world our lives are much more comfortable, we are better off financially, we have access to better health care, we can travel to anywhere in the world and we have the technology to make our lives much easier.  And yet we often feel a high level of dissatisfaction. Why does this happen? So much of our life is focused on trying to reach our goals - getting good exam results, getting in to a good university, gaining a qualificatio...