Adam Grant, an inspiring American psychologist wrote a very interesting article recently in the New York Times. He called the article “There’s a name for the blah you're feeling: It’s called languishing”. In the article Grant defines languishing as “ a sense of stagnation and emptiness - it feels like you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield”. In football terms people often talk about teams languishing in mid table mediocrity where despite their best efforts they can’t seem to move themselves to the flourishing heights of the next league. And actually, this feels really familiar. How many of you are feeling fed up and although you are managing on a day-to-day basis there is a distinct lack of joy and progress. Grant suggests that many of us are not only struggling with long COVID but also the emotional long haul of the pandemic. In psychology we often talk about the mental health curve which was orig...